The energy transition to net zero will see trillions of dollars move within and between industries. For capital allocators, this disruption presents both significant risks and huge opportunities to fund net zero and deliver great returns for clients. At the moment, capital allocators have limited tools to understand the impact of the transition on their investments. Consequences of this include poor returns, greenwashing, and a failure to fund the transition.
Unwritten provides investors with a single source of truth for climate impacts across portfolios. The valuation and scenario analysis capabilities allow investors to meet their regulatory and investor climate reporting requirements with minimal data collection — more importantly, Unwritten offers unparalleled insight into the short and long-term climate exposures of every portfolio company and target.
By going beyond scoring to the drivers and financial impacts of climate risks and opportunities, Unwritten empowers ESG teams to engage deal teams on screening and climate due diligence; help portfolio companies climate-proof their assets and lower their insurance premiums; align capex plans with sustainable taxonomies for cheaper capital; and introduce green technologies into operations and business lines.
Prior to Unwritten, Amos and Philip built the ESG practice at Palantir Technologies. They bring the crucial understanding of big data as well as the financial industry needed to realise the Unwritten vision. Their ability to grasp and process the most complex frameworks as well as being stellar system-level thinkers will drive the success of the endeavour.
Empowering the financial sector
Market estimates show that nearly one-third of the projected total assets under management (AUM) globally, or $50 trillion, will be in environmental, social, and governance-related assets. There is an enormous opportunity to provide asset managers with user-friendly modelling technology to demystify essential transition investments. Only by having better information available will we be able to make more informed and sustainable decisions.
Unwritten is an enabling technology that will help avoid a misallocation of capital. A better understanding of transition risks helps companies and their investors to mitigate these or to adapt to these (ECB 2021; Alogoskoufis et al. 2021, FSOC 2021).
On a systemic level, a better understanding of transition risks allows policymakers, societal actors and companies to try to shape transition pathways with low risks. Better information about climate risk will help us improve financial stability—a prerequisite for a functioning economic system—and allocate resources towards a successful transition.