Planet A - News Logo

Photo of Fridtjof Detzner in a conversation.

August 24, 2021 Fridtjof Detzner: “Our Economic System Lacks Science”

August 10, 2021 44.01 secures $5M to turn billions of tons of carbon dioxide to stone

Portrait of Fridtjof Detzner, black and white with text.

July 20, 2021 Wie gestaltet man eine nachhaltige Zukunft?

Photo of plants growing in a pile of coins.

July 7, 2021 Warum Öko sich auszahlt und Greenwashing nicht

Portrait of Christian Jølck

July 1, 2021 Searching for gigacorns: Meet the VC impact analysts

March 30, 2021 Otto-Versand setzt auf nachhaltige Verpackungen

Photo of Eva Neugebauer and Christian Sigmund.

March 22, 2021 Hamburg, Tor zur besseren Welt

January 12, 2021 Müllbeutel aus gesammeltem Plastik: Wie das Unternehmen „Wildplastic“ eine vermüllte Welt aufräumen will

planet A logo white


Planet A is an investment fund dedicated to supporting European green tech startups that have a significant positive impact on our planet while scaling their businesses globally. The fund’s mission is to promote an economy within the planetary boundaries. They support innovation in four key areas: climate mitigation, waste reduction, resource savings and biodiversity protection. Planet A relies on rigorous scientific impact assessments to inform investment decisions and empower founders to manage and improve their impact.