Planet A - News Logo

February 7, 2023 Here’s 3 Ways To Cut The Carbon Out Of Cement Right Now

February 5, 2023 Startup Magazin: Hamburger Gründer bekämpfen Plastikmüll mit Plastiktüten

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January 25, 2023 Das deutsche Clean-Tech-Unternehmen INERATEC sichert sich Investment von Honda und bestehenden Gesellschaftern Spitzentechnologie für den weltweiten Einsatz von E-Fuels

January 12, 2023 Neue Millionen für das Treibstoff-Startup von Christian Vollmann – Maersk investiert

January 11, 2023 IoT Venture enters into partnership with e-mobility enterprise Dance

January 10, 2023 INERATEC erhält rund 6 Mio. Euro Förderung von Bundesumweltministerium

December 20, 2022 Eine kurze Geschichte des (mangelhaften) Artenschutzes

Portrait of Founder & CEO Annu Nieminen of The Upright project

December 13, 2022 This startup wants to show the impact Fortune 500 companies have on the environment and society.

December 13, 2022 Helsinki’s Upright raises €5 million to help scale its impact data analysis engine

Portrait of Founder & CEO Annu Nieminen of The Upright project

December 13, 2022 This startups wants to show the impact fortune 500 companies have on the environment and society

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Planet A is an investment fund dedicated to supporting European green tech startups that have a significant positive impact on our planet while scaling their businesses globally. The fund’s mission is to promote an economy within the planetary boundaries. They support innovation in four key areas: climate mitigation, waste reduction, resource savings and biodiversity protection. Planet A relies on rigorous scientific impact assessments to inform investment decisions and empower founders to manage and improve their impact.